Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sketch 2-1st view--STONE BUIDLING


A. As soon as you walk into the space you have to automatically adapt your eyes to the (bright-dark) dark adaptation. You come straight in from the direct sunlight into a dark hallway with only one ceiling luminance. This ceiling fixture hangs down like a chandelier. However, the lamp is covered with a circular bowl plate. I noticed that this chandelier light gave more light to the ceiling than the floor. However, this one light by itself wasn’t that bright. There was also two lights as you enter in, but again wasn’t that bright and you really couldn’t even tell that they were on during the day!
B. I think they should put recessed lighting in front of the display showcase to lead the viewer to see them. Right now, you don’t even notice them because the lights are so dim. I think maybe fluorescent lights would work better for the ambient lighting. It gives off more light and would make you feel more welcome into the space. For direct lighting causing some glare on the floor, I guess you could change the floor material to something other than glossy because the direct sunlight can’t be changed.
C. I didn’t really notice any certain patterns of light, shade, or shadows in the space. However, I did notice reflection of the entrance doors due to direct sunlight. I also noticed that the ceiling light was placed in the center of the hallway. The wall lamps were also in the center of the two side walls of the foyer entrance.
Some of the pictures that I captured while on site:

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